
Controlling the Uncontrollable

With stocks continuing their abrupt southward snap to start the year, I thought you might appreciate an update. We don’t plan to make market commentary a regular weekly event, but it’s important for you to know what we’re thinking when all the media outlets (which have never actually met you) don’t shy away from offering their opinions.

Start today . . . I mean tomorrow . .OK, maybe next week

“Why waste time today, doing what you can put off till tomorrow?” or how about “resolutions are made to be broken.”  Smile as you may at these absurdities (or secret agreement) they’re true, and Vanguard has proof.

Hurry! These Black Friday Financial Savings Won't Last Long

While shoppers attack the malls in hopes of saving a bundle on those must have items, some simple year-end financial moves might just pad your wallet in even bigger ways.  So, think like a shopper and make a mad dash for the Investment Aisle.

Buyer Beware:  Look carefully before grabbing year-end bargains on mutual funds or ETFs for your taxable accounts. Funds, such as these, are required

How to Fix Your 401k Before You Start Retirement

Though you can’t tell this season by the displays in the store aisles, its retirement season; a time of year when some employees begin looking forward to the new year without an alarm clock.

Slow Down that Rollover!! The IRS is watching.

Quick: What is the best thing to do with your 401k or pension?  Most folks would say “roll it over into an IRA.” But is a rollover really the BEST option?  Not so quick.  You have homework to do.

Retirement Gifts   If you’ve participated in a pension, profit sharing or 401k plan, Uncle Sam has given you a great retirement gift – an account filled with tax-deferred dollars. But, when you unwrap that gift and start

What's Better? A 401k or a Roth IRA

A 401k plan and a Roth IRA are slices of two different retirement pies: 401k plans are company sponsored retirement plans, while Roth IRAs are individual retirement plans. Which one is better, really depends on your personal situation. The key to your retirement success, however, is to pull up a chair to this retirement planning buffet and start immediately feasting on one, or both of these great plans.

Cooperstown and the Dividend Psyche

At some point, every athlete gives up the chase and steps into the shadows. Greg Maddux gave up the mound after four Cy Young Awards, and Jim Thome left baseball in 2013, after 612 home runs. I appreciate these athletes’ decades-long devotion to excellence, and their dedication to their craft. Their fading prowess kind of invokes that nearly trite investment disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For years, I’ve written about balancing intellect and emotion when making investment

What (or who) is the Biggest Risk to Your Retirement?

There is no risk free investing. Even stuffing cash in the mattress is subject to the risk of a house fire or a bad memory. The single biggest risk to investing? YOU! From 1992 through 2011, the average U.S. equity mutual fund provided total, average annual returns of 8.2%. Over that same period, the average investor’s average annual return — 3.5%.

Family Financial Planning is No Picnic. Or is it?

The average family is financially dysfunctional. One spouse handles all the financial matters and the grown children have no idea of what mom or dad has planned. Disagree? Then answer this: who can seamlessly step in to pay your bills and manage your portfolio? Is someone in the wings to manage things for your parents when (not if) they can’t manage things on their own?  If both answers

Add a Little Fiscal and Physical Health with ETFs (exchange traded funds)

When exchanged-traded-funds (EFTs) were introduced in 1993, few expected this low-cost index investing idea to explode.  But 20 years, and $ 2.3 trillion later, it’s an idea that is here to stay. While many investors gravitate toward the core concept of a broad index (SPY was the first EFT accessing all 500 of the S&P 500 stocks), today’s investors are also interested in satellite strategies focusing on tactical sector investing.

Fiscal and Physical Health  One of the sectors we’re closing following is health care. With a shifting (ok, aging) demographic and a younger population keen on living longer, we see positive short- and long-term

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SYNERGOS Financial Services d/b/a OSBORN Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor currently registered in the states of Indiana and Michigan. The firm provides fee-only portfolio management and advisory services, and is not associated with any banks or broker-dealers. For more information, please view our current ADV filing.

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