Investment Basics

How Much of My IRA Should I Have in Stocks?

In years gone by, an individual simply subtracted his age from 100 to find the percentage of stocks to hold in his portfolio. It was an answer easily digested by someone in, or near retirement, and an answer that worked fairly well. But a lot has changed and easy answers aren’t always the right answer.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Higher Rates (June 2014)

It’s interesting how the markets can sometimes humble the best analysts. Take what’s happening in the bond market. Last year, pundits pronounced that bond yields would rise in 2014. But, since the beginning of the year, yields have drifted lower, falling over a half a percentage point.

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Wile E. Coyote’s Acme Budget & Debt Ceiling Kit

Who would have guessed that the Looney Tunes cartoons of my childhood would be the reality of my financial advisory adulthood? I can’t help imagining all the Wile E. Coyotes of Washington DC chasing the illusive fiscal Road Runner. Some will reach for the speedy bird and end up grabbing the third rail of health care (ZAP, sizzle).

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SYNERGOS Financial Services d/b/a OSBORN Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor currently registered in the states of Indiana and Michigan. The firm provides fee-only portfolio management and advisory services, and is not associated with any banks or broker-dealers. For more information, please view our current ADV filing.

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