Investment Management

At OSBORN Wealth Management our portfolio design recognizes the importance of balancing long-term investing with current market conditions. At our core, we believe investors must be intentional about investments they buy, the reason they continue to hold them, and the factors that will cause an investment to be sold.

If you're looking for historic investment returns, we have none to publish. Each portfolio is intentionally unique in the way it addresses a client's individual objectives and attitudes. The common thread is our attention to purchasing the right securities, at the right time and being prepared to sell it for the right reasons.

We believe everyone should have access to investment expertise and should use the investments they understand and are most comfortable with. If an investment is too complicated to understand; we won't use it. If a portfolio's ups and downs create client angst; then its the wrong portfolio. We believe successful investing demands a client-centric balance between intellect and emotion.

SYNERGOS Financial Services d/b/a OSBORN Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor currently registered in the states of Indiana and Michigan. The firm provides fee-only portfolio management and advisory services, and is not associated with any banks or broker-dealers. For more information, please view our current ADV filing.

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