September 2014

Slow Down that Rollover!! The IRS is watching.

Quick: What is the best thing to do with your 401k or pension?  Most folks would say “roll it over into an IRA.” But is a rollover really the BEST option?  Not so quick.  You have homework to do.

Retirement Gifts   If you’ve participated in a pension, profit sharing or 401k plan, Uncle Sam has given you a great retirement gift – an account filled with tax-deferred dollars. But, when you unwrap that gift and start

What's Better? A 401k or a Roth IRA

A 401k plan and a Roth IRA are slices of two different retirement pies: 401k plans are company sponsored retirement plans, while Roth IRAs are individual retirement plans. Which one is better, really depends on your personal situation. The key to your retirement success, however, is to pull up a chair to this retirement planning buffet and start immediately feasting on one, or both of these great plans.

OSBORN Wealth Management is a fee only advisory firm dedicated to providing conservative asset management, experienced retirement planning and unbiased financial advice. Blog posts are intended for informational and educational purposes, only, and are not an offer to sell. As individual's circumstances are always unique, please consult a professional before embarking on any changes to your investment, planning, tax or legal situation. For questions on this Blog post, or general inquiries about our professional advisory services, please give us a call at 219-362-8567 or email me at

SYNERGOS Financial Services d/b/a OSBORN Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor currently registered in the states of Indiana and Michigan. The firm provides fee-only portfolio management and advisory services, and is not associated with any banks or broker-dealers. For more information, please view our current ADV filing.

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